Wednesday, September 12, 2007

La La LA!

Recently i'm feeling like a 3year old when it comes to the Braves. I know they're all but done for, but I still hope for the miracle. The problem is, everyone is proclaiming their downfall. Every time i hear it I imagine myself sticking my fingers in my ears and yelling "LaLaLA I'm not Listening!" And then the Braves go and do something stupid like pound the mets to a pulp with our friend Buddy pitching. What the hell is wrong with this team? Can't they see that all this hope is crushing us? Can't they understand that '08 is where our emotions should be focused, not today. You can't just go out and beat up on the best team in the national league and then come into work the next day and say "Woops, we're tired from yesterday." The Braves' job now is to prove that they're not one hit wonders, if only to themselves. But we all know the truth, the Braves are done, just don't yell it at me. Speak it softly, whisper it among friends when you can be sure no one is listening. It's to early to wake this giant.

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